Extra-Curricular Activity Policy

The extra-curricular activities offered at Howard S. Billings High School (HSB) are an integral part of the overall educational process. Extra-curricular activities, when utilized properly, serve as educational tools through which optimum growth – physical, mental, emotional, social and moral – is possible for the participants. This policy outlines the expectations for students who participate in Extra-Curricular Activities.


  • Students must exhibit an attitude, effort and work ethic conducive to academic success.
  • Students are expected to seek out and use supports in order to maintain academic success.
  • Students must reach out to teachers if they are missing any class time to maintain academic success.
  • Students and Families are responsible to ensure that an appropriate school / life balance supports academic success.


  • Students must adhere to the HSB’s Code of Conduct and Safety and the Extra-Curricular Activity Policy.
  • Students must exhibit an attitude conducive to a school environment.
  • Students must maintain regular attendance to school which is conducive to academic success.
  • Any disciplinary measures precede Extra-Curricular Activities.
  • Any student who finds themself in disciplinary trouble may find themself suspended from their associated ECA until released by administration.


  • Students must be in good financial standing with HSB, as well as pay the fees for the activities they are participating in OR an arrangement must be made with HSB’s accounting officer before they are registered for the Extra-Curricular Activity.


  • Any situation arising and not governed by this contract will be acted on by the HSB administration in keeping with the spirit of this contract.

HSB administration may resort to a variety of decisional options in response to a particular or exceptional situation; these will be dealt with in a case-by-case manner.

HSB administration has the final word on any situation governed by this contract.

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